September 2, 2008

What It Means

At 1:00 am on Tuesday, September 2, 2008, I sat down at my desk to create this blog. I didn't really know what to expect or what I was doing exactly because the most in depth blogging I've ever done has been trivial myspace blogging (which is quite sad for a pre-journalism major I might add). As I was almost on the last step of creating my blog, I realized that I hadn't given any thought as to what I would possibly name it. To any other "normal" person this task wouldn't seem like a big deal, but to someone who spends 30 minutes at Wal-Mart picking out which brand of mascara to buy, this was a big decision. It's not that I was focusing on naming it something really catchy or something that rhymed, but I wanted the name of my first blog to have meaning behind it. I had many good ideas, but the right one just wasn't coming to me. Almost 3 hours later I was still undecided, so I thought of one of my favorite things in the world, the television show One Tree Hill. To me, this TV show is not just another pre-teen drama-filled show like so many others out there. The storylines, morality, voiceovers, and quotes of the show deeply inspire me in ways that people will never understand. That's when it hit me! The promo used on the CW channel for the 6th season premiere of One Tree Hill (which was tonight) was "Every great story has a beginning". From the minute that I first thought about it, I knew that that would be the name of my very first blog.

So why did I choose this?

Well, as a student studying mass communication when I heard the word "story", I instantly thought about writing, news, and other journalistic topics. Obviously, it was the first word that caught my attention. Secondly, I believed in the truth behind the statement. It can be used literally like describing the process of producing a great novel. It can be used figuratively as in illustrating the "story" behind a couple's relationship, or even depicting the "story" of what's in a photograph. More importantly, however, the statement could be describing me.

One day in the (hopefully) immediate future, I anticipate on reaching a noble and respected status as a photo-journalist or editor. I could be the next "big" thing.

My life is the story.
This is the beginning.
I'm going to make it great.

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