Check out this article about facebook's flaws
1. (LEAD) The article opens up with an anecdotal lead. It gives examples about how online social networking Web sites cannot have committed users forever. It also gives a few instances of why some people have chosen to shut down their facebook accounts.
2. (NUT GRAF) It follows the lead by providing statistics that show although facebook is continuing to grow, many groups of users are leaving. Basically, the issue is that many people think facebook is "selling out" their personal and social lives. Instead of users controlling facebook, facebook is controlling users.
It is becoming more a market for advertising, and there have been some cases of privacy/security issues. People are also getting bored with the Web site and feel like they are wasting their time.
3. (BODY) The body is supported by facts about facebook users, first-hand accounts and quotes from 5 different people on their opinions of facebook. In this section, the various effects of facebooking are more deeply analyzed. Aside from young user quotes in the article, a professional writer also includes what she thinks about how facebook now "feels dead."
4. (ENDING) The article is summed up with another anecdote describing how facebook might turn into an "online ghost town run by zombie users who never update their pages." It could become solely a place for marketers to "exploit" users. Is facebook just another fad that will soon fade away?
Obama's State of the Union Speech Analysis
14 years ago
I personally like facebook. It's a way for me to keep in touch with people I'd either rather not have a phone conversation with, or with people whose numbers I don't have. It's a choice to air out your dirty laundry on it. I choose not to do so. However, facebook is getting kind of boring and I am still amazed that some people can spend hours on it. I mean, what is there to do??
Now what I don't understand is the whole Twitter phase thing going on.
I agree Sam, I like facebook too because it is convenient, and I think Twitter is dumb haha
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